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Here are some links to website that I greatly value and use.

Starsign Essence
Star Signature Essences


Zodiac Essences

This range of essences helps you to balance and draw in your innate energies.

Helps to achieve a better focus of your inner strenghts.


Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy
Homeopathic Remedies

One of the best homepathic pharmacies to get your remedies, tinctures and  healing creams is Helios Homeopathy Ltd.

Online Homeopathic Materia Medica


Extremely useful if you're trying to work out a remedy. All main remedies listed.

DK Foundation, Astrological Readings


Honest and profound readings for when you need guidance on changing your life, and when you're ready to face yourself. Readings by Suzanne Rough in person in Brighton, or via written report.



Yoga Ananda Holistic Centre, Reigate, UK


Classes, Workshops, Courses and Holistic Therapies

River Clinic Lewes.png

The River Clinic, Simon Murray - Cranial Osteopathy, Lewes, Sussex, UK


Cranial Osteopathy - adults, children and babies

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